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Orange County Employment Interview Questions Part 1

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

What about Illegal Questions of Citizenship, Ancestry, Relatives? Can prospective employers ask personal questions in an interview? Laws say “No,” because some may indicate a discriminatory motive; possibly Orange County employment discrimination. Employers can’t ask if you intend to become a citizen or require naturalization or alien registration prior to employment. Through online research, check…

Employment Interview Questions: Illegal Questions of Age and Education

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Concerned about challenging Orange County employment interview questions? You need to know about illegal questions of age and education. It’s well‑known that discrimination in the workplace is against the law, but discriminatory practices are also prohibited in the hiring process.  Many questions simply can’t be asked. Although an employer can make employment subject to verification…

Orange County Severance Pay

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

You deserve severance pay! Contrary to the advice of the few books on this topic, you have every right to receive or increase severance pay, especially when your employer wants you to sign a full release of your rights. Termination of employment is not just a disappointment, but an opportunity as well.  It’s a chance…

At-Will Employment in Orange County has Exceptions

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

“You’re fired!  For any reason or no reason, you’re an at‑will employee and I’m the boss.” Have you heard that before? Do employers really have that power? You may not like to hear it, but they do. They can fire you for any reason or no reason, but with two important exceptions. First, there must…

Orange County Employee Secret Tape Recordings

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Tape recording a conversation can make the difference in proving a workplace allegation or case.  With it, your word is more believable than another’s. But too many employees incorrectly assume the ends of proof justify the means of tape recording.  It may even be criminally wrong. A felony and a civil wrong may be committed…

Deadlines on Orange County Employee Rights

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Procrastinators beware: there are deadlines on your Orange County employee rights! Justice must be executed swiftly to be effective and is compromised by undue delay. Memories, as well as the availability of witnesses and documents, fade over time. Possible wrongdoing employers cannot be held hostage to claims extending into a limitless past. Many deadlines depend…