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Orange County Employee Vacations

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

It happens every year; vacations get me more organized and productive. Nonsense say some business owners. Vacations cost money, and employees are not as focused immediately before and after time off work. However, employers should not just tolerate employees vacations, but appreciate their value. I suspect many employees are like me. Everything gets more orderly…

Orange County Employee Reinstatement Rights Part 1

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

After enduring a long convalescence, that humdrum job never looked so good! An employee may have a right to be reinstated to a former job upon returning from medical leave (employee reinstatement rights). The Family and Medical Leave Act generally applies to an employee who has worked for an employer with over 50 employees for…

Employee Rights Tip: Illegal Job Application Interview Questions

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

It is none of your business, you may feel like saying when an overly personal question is asked by a prospective employer. Actually, some of these employment interview questions may even be illegal. It is improper to ask about your sexual preference, marital status, dependents, whether you have made provisions for childcare, if you’re pregnant,…

Orange County Employment Tip: Show Enthusiasm

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

If you are not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm, said Vince Lombardi. Enthusiasm. Is it really that important? Can we just do our jobs and survive in the workplace? Survive, perhaps but not thrive and maybe worry about job security. Enthusiasm implies a positive, vigorous, zealous, teachable, results-oriented, attitude and is…

Orange County Unemployment Benefits

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

I was fired, so I cannot get unemployment benefits. This is a common misperception I often hear from clients. It is too bad, because many of these workers may be unwittingly failing to claim thousands of dollars of unemployment benefits & lost job security compensation. Certainly, layoffs are the traditional means by which terminated employees…