Category: Wages
Salary versus Overtime Wages in Orange County
Orange County Salary versus Overtime You are salaried so you do not get overtime pay. This is one of the most common misconceptions in the workplace. There is no doubt that salary status is one of the requirements exempting an employee from overtime pay, but it is not the only one. An exempt employee also…
Employer is Required to Give Them a Break
Employee Rights Attorney in Orange County, CA Q: The company I work for has both hourly and salaried employees. We all work 8½ hours per day, but since we receive a paid hour for lunch, we have been told that we are not entitled to any breaks. Is this legal? A: Nonexempt employees are entitled…
Staff Deserves 2 Breaks a Day Under the Law
Employee Rights Attorney, Orange County CA Q: Our employer would like to eliminate the employee’s morning and afternoon breaks. We do not work for four continuous hours, so the employer says we don’t need the break. We have an hour lunch break; however, the employees are under the assumption that if we work an eight-and-one-half…
Dictating Vacation May Preserve Jobs
by Patrick E. Turner Employee Rights Attorney in Orange County Q: I work for a company struggling because of a downturn in sales. To avoid potential layoffs, management is requiring us to take all accrued vacation by the end of the year, and all salaried exempt employees must take two weeks off without pay before…
Company Can Enforce Its Holiday Policy
Orange County Employee Rights Lawyer Q: Our company was given the entire Christmas week off, exempt and nonexempt employees alike. Only one and a half of those days were paid as a holiday. The other three and a half days had to be taken as vacation or unpaid time off. As a salaried employee, can…
Illegal to Combine Meal & Rest Breaks
by Patrick E. Turner Employee Rights Lawyer, Orange County Q: I work in a medical office with a new administrator. We’ve always been allowed to take rest breaks with our lunch breaks due to what’s otherwise an unpredictable morning and afternoon. Now we’re told it is illegal. A: “It would appear your new administrator is…