Newport Beach Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace is a terrible experience. You might be angry, scared, frustrated, disgusted, or all of the above and more. At Sessions & Kimball, we want to protect you and make sure you are well represented. No one has the right to sexually harass you. If you’re experiencing this behavior in the workplace, contact a Newport Beach employment lawyer immediately. You don’t have to tolerate illegal activity under any circumstances.


Reach out to our office through our online contact form or call us at (949) 380-0900 for a free case consultation today.

Why You Should Select Sessions & Kimball as Your Sexual Harassment Law Firm In Newport Beach

At the law firm of Sessions & Kimball, our founding attorneys have been successful advocates for employees who’ve suffered sexual harassment for decades. Since our practice began in 1985, we’ve defended California workers to obtain the optimal outcome to align with their goals. We offer substantial advantages in a Newport Beach workplace sexual harassment case through the following:

  • Free confidential consultations with a contingency-based payment plan so you pay us nothing until we obtain compensation in your case
  • You’ll have strength behind your case through our firm’s premier reputation and history of obtaining over $200 million for mistreated California employees
  • Our result-oriented approach combines confidence with compassion
  • A highly skilled and qualified legal staff works behind the scenes while an attorney dedicated to advancing your case assertively seeks the outcome you desire

If you are an employee who has experienced a violation of your rights at work, such as suffering sexual harassment, we are ready to secure compensation in your case by asserting your legal rights.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

In California, sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. The two main types of workplace sexual harassment claims are quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environment sexual harassment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a supervisor offers an employee some type of benefit in exchange for a sexual favor, or a supervisor threatens an employee with an adverse employment action if they don’t agree to submit to certain sexual demands.

Hostile work environment sexual harassment occurs when sexual harassment is severe and repeated, and it makes the workplace hostile, offensive, intimidating, or abusive.

Types of Sexual Harassment In the Workplace

Most examples of sexual harassment fall into one of two categories: either quid pro quo sexual harassment in which a supervisor or employer hints or directly offers advances or advantages at work in exchange for sexual favors, or hostile work environment sexual harassment in which lewd, explicit, suggestive, and offensive actions or unwanted touching create a hostile work environment or cause intimidation.

Sexual harassment occurs from employers or supervisors, or between coworkers. Common examples of harassment in the workplace include:

  • Unwanted sexual contact, touching, or physically blocking someone
  • Repeatedly asking for a date or making unwanted sexual advances
  • Making sexist comments
  • Offering raises, promotions, bonuses, or time off in exchange for sexual favors
  • Making sexist comments
  • Telling “dirty jokes”
  • Displaying sexual images in the workplace
  • Making lewd comments about someone’s looks, clothing, appearance, gender, or sexuality
  • Openly staring, making inappropriate remarks, or making lewd gestures in front of or behind the back of someone else
  • Sending emails with explicit materials or sexual innuendo to a coworker or employee, or through mass emails

Both genders commit workplace sexual harassment and it also happens to those of both genders. Becoming the target of unwanted sexual advances or working in a sexually intimidating or degrading environment is sexual harassment and prohibited under California’s employment law.

Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment

California employers are accountable when sexual harassment creates a hostile work environment for an employee even if the employer is not the person who commits the harassment. An employer has a responsibility to ensure that employees feel safe, comfortable, and free from intimidation or harassment.

When an employee suffers from sexual harassment in the workplace, they must file a complaint with their HR department and inform their employer, giving the employer an opportunity to address the problem. If an employer fails to correct sexual harassment in the workplace, they are liable for damages such as lost wages and benefits, and compensation for emotional distress. In cases of an employer’s egregious actions, punitive damages may also be available to a sexual harassment victim.

Sexual Harassment FAQs

Can Both Men And Women Be Sexually Harassed In The Workplace?

Absolutely. Regardless of your sex or gender, you can experience sexual harassment in the workplace. It is illegal no matter what. Additionally, you can be sexually harassed by a person of the same gender or sex.

The Most Common Type Of Workplace Sexual Harassment

The most common type of workplace sexual harassment is sexually derogatory comments. You might work with someone who often makes ‘jokes’ or negative comments but doesn’t see an issue with their behavior. While they may not intend to sexually harass anyone, intent doesn’t matter.

If you feel comfortable speaking with this person and voicing your complaints, that’s not a bad idea. Make sure you document everything. If they aren’t receptive to your comments or you don’t feel safe talking with them, this is when you want to report it to a supervisor or even contact a Newport Beach employment attorney for help.

If A Co-Worker Asks Me On A Date, Is This Sexual Harassment?

If you have a co-worker who asks you on a date once, this probably doesn’t amount to sexual harassment. If you’ve already said no and they keep asking you over and over and bothering you about going out with them, this is likely to become an actionable sexual harassment claim. Additionally, if someone at works asks you on a date and you are punished for saying no, this is absolutely sexual harassment.

Is It Sexual Harassment If A Co-Worker Keeps Staring At Me?

In some circumstances, this could amount to sexual harassment. In one case, the California courts determined that a hostile work environment was created when a supervisor often ‘leered’ at an employee’s breasts over the course of two years.

Contact Our Newport Beach Sexual Harassment Lawyers Today

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you deserve to be treated unfairly, or that sexual harassment in the workplace is the norm. If your Newport Beach employer or someone in your workplace is sexually harassing you, this is never acceptable and should always be reported. If this type of behavior is happening to you, it’s probably happening to someone else, or it will happen to someone else in the future.

Report it and hold your accuser accountable. We can help you. Contact the office of Sessions & Kimball in Newport Beach by using our online contact form or call our experienced employment lawyers at (949) 380-0900 for a free consultation today.